

investigate造句简单 2023-09-30 22:15 493 墨鱼


factor造句复制1、This is the mainfactordriving investment in the area.(这是推动在这个地区投资的主要因素。2、Unemployment is the single most importantfactorin fill造句简单【释义】fill v.(使)充满,占满;堵塞,填补;满足;(声音、气味或光)遍及,弥漫;担任,充任;(感情)充盈于;打发,占据(时间);(帆)迎风(或受风)

Experienced writers always factor in what they want to achieve and who the intended audiences is. 2) 情景:考虑到克罗地亚战后的社会经济条件,莫德里奇能获得世界杯金单词factor 例句大全,用单词factor造句:Recognise, evaluate, control and improve environmentalfactoraccordingly. 识别评价控制改善公司生产的环境因素。And you need t

1、sensitivityfactor 2、pulsationfactor 3、conversionfactor 4、celerationfactor 5、original formation volumefactor 6、playback rate scalefactor 7、sfactor in英语造句,1、The major factor in the decision to stay or to leave was usually professional.决定去留的主要因素通常与职业相关。2、D

≥▂≤ factor造句如下:1、Lack of cash is a limiting factor.现金短缺是一个制约因素。2、Haemophiliacs have no factor 8 in their blood.血友病患者的血液中缺乏凝血factor造句1. The factor that contributed to the success of the project was the team's strong collaboration and communication skills. 2. The economic factor that

在句子中可以这样使用:The factor of diet habits significantly affects obesity.(饮食习惯因素显著影响肥胖)或者We need to consider every factor before mfactor英语造句,1、The carrier said its load factor climbed 1.3 points to 83.2 percent over a year earlier.该公司表示,载客率与


标签: kindergarten造句简单



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