

高一化学知识点全部 2022-12-25 13:25 674 墨鱼


1、The white shirt is as ___ as the yellow one. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest 2、You know ___ about it than Tom does. A. even litteacher C. yellow 三、根据图意与上下文意思填出恰当的词,使短文完整。10 分) My name is Sarah. I am 14 years old. I am 161 cm and 40 kg. I ___ a new friend. ___ na

Her hair is {yellow}[对括号部分提问]知识点相关讲解What color is her hair? ——nicole7 此句翻译为:她的头发是金色的。yellow (朗文) having the colour of butter oryellow (黄色)、zoo (动物园)、open (打开)、close (关上) 四、句子1、This is Wang Hong.She' s my friend .(这是王虹。她是我的朋友。2、This is Danny. He' s my frien

ˇ0ˇ His coat is yellow.Mine is green.(主语)他的上衣是黄色的,我的是绿色的。2. —Whose cap is it,then 那么,它是谁的帽子呢?—It’s Sally’s.是莎莉的。这是由疑问词whose引导的一个特殊疑问This is a yellow bus ,and that isalso a yrllowbus改写成复数相关知识点:解析the two buses are yellow 分析总结。andthatisalsoayrllowbus改写成复数扫码下载作业帮拍

17.red 18.yellow 19.green 20.pink 21.blue 22.orange 23.white 24.black 25.brown 26.purple 第四单元知识点总结:A.What do you want to do ? A.What do yo相关知识点:解析I. 1.A 【解析】pen, yellow, desk中e发音为/e/;而evening中e发音为/i:/。故选A。2.C【解析】sock,John,hot中o发音为/5/;而color中o发音为/A/。故选C。3

˙▂˙ 10.turn brown/ yellow/ red 变成棕色、黄色、红色turn around 转身,扭转局面11.fall into piles 掉落成一堆堆12.once again 又一次13.fly away 飞远了14.warm and wind(一)知识点讲解1.We both have black hair and black eyes.我俩都长着黑头发、黑眼睛。both pron.(与复数名词连用)意为“两个,两个都”。both 放在be 动词,助动词或情态动词后面,实义动词的前


标签: yellow分别可以做什么词



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