

goahead造句 2023-06-12 12:57 561 墨鱼


leave alone的用法和样例:例句Leave him alone, he is so drunk. 不管他了,他已经喝得烂醉如泥。I can't just leave kirara like that. 我不能就那样丢下云母不管。Now t1、leave alone; don't Bother 2、We enter the world alone, and weleave alone. 3、He won't even thank you,leave alonepay you. 4、He willleave alonethi

3.A meet, leave alone, but everyone is afraid to leave. 有相逢就有别离,可是每个人都害怕别离。英文解释v. 1.leave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking 网络释义1. 别碰某物牛津译林leave sb. alone 不去打扰某人,让某人独自呆着leave sth.alone别碰某物leave behind 落下,遗忘,将……抛在…gkstk|基于7个

【例句】After the cat had scratched Peter twice, he let it alone.【译文】彼得被猫抓伤两次之后,就不敢再招惹它了。模仿造句不去理会它,静静地坐下来。单词leave alone 例句大全,用单词leave alone造句:Also did not take adjutant, did the generalleave aloneso ? 也没带副官,将军就这样只身离去了?Leave alonethe footnot

leave alone 网络解释1. 听其自然,不要去管:leave alone 不管,不理会;不打扰| leave alone 听其自然,不要去管| leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带2. leave alone 2. 不管,81.You needn't feel scared, I won'tleaveyoualone. 你不必感到害怕,我不会离开你的。- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译样例好评(11)差评() 82.Oh, do go away andleavemealone!" 啊,

leave alone在英语中代表“让独自呆着、不理会”的意思,还经常被翻译为不要管,leave alone常被用作名词。英:liːv əˈləʊn。美:liHleave alone造句复制1、She was wrong to leave her child alone.(她丢下孩子是不应该的。2、We enter the world alone, and weleave alone.(我们孤独地来到这个世界,又


标签: leave…alone怎么读



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