

be成为的意思造句 2023-09-24 23:54 419 墨鱼


people英语造句,1、We are asking people to boycott goods from companies that use child labour.我们正呼吁大家抵制雇用童工的公司的产品。2、Ipeople造句people 造句1、There are many people in my family ( 在我们家有许多人) 2、people can love flowers. 3、The people are great. 4、Are the people friendly?

?△? 1、peoplemountainpeoplesea. 2、People eating,peoplewashing,peoplesleeping. 3、People, Syrianpeople, is organised. 4、Blindpeopleare normalpeople. 5解析There are many people in my family ( 在我们家有许多人) 分析总结。扫码下载作业帮拍照答疑一拍即得答案解析查看更多优质解析举报therearemanypeopleinmyfamily结果

(=`′=) 1. go to the people : 为争取人民对其政府或某计划的支持而举行公民投票;people people 相关例句名词1. Many politicians like to be thought of as a man of the peopleThe ballroom was peopled with guests. 舞厅里满堂宾客。牛津词典Millions of people have lost their homes. 数百万人流离失所。柯林斯高阶英语词典the people of A

people造句如下:1、Firemen had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside.消防人员须破门而入,才能抢救困在屋里的人。2、In real life, it英语造句1 1、I will bring that book with me. 我会带着那本书的。2、The library is big enough to hold more than 5000 books.那图书馆足够大可以容纳5000多册图书。3、As pr

people造句复制1、Jealousy drivespeopleto murder.(忌妒心驱使人谋杀。2、peopleare better educated now.(现在人们教育程度更高了。3、These are evil-mindedpeople单词people 例句大全,用单词people造句:Intolerantpeoplewill always case aspersions onpeoplewho are different from them. 偏执之人会经常诽谤与他们迥然不同的人。But


标签: sing造句简单



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