

跨文化交际中的文化冲突 2022-12-24 06:15 176 墨鱼


跨文化交际intercultural_communication课件.ppt,Course Description to Intercultural Communication ;Specific Course Goals;Format;Calendar;Suggested Readings;Textbook ;Sugg跨文化交际、ppt1-7 单元文字版UNIT1 Objectives This course aims at leading students to a general understanding of the complexities of intercultural communication

∩﹏∩ 《跨文化交际》期末论文姓名___ 学号___ 编号___ Body Language 1. Introduction Body language is not language in the strict sense of the word language;it refers to,in fact,a broad term 语言是跨文化交际中最主要的手段。在运用语言进行跨文化交际时,由于民族文化差异,难免会遇到具有鲜明文化特色的成语和习语,而对此确切地理解并正确地加以运用,则是一个十分重要而又

跨文化交际Chapter I Culture 1.1 Define culture from different perspectives. From Intellectual Perspective According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, culture is "that: .It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of s

遵循了全新的教学理念:依托学生密切关注的跨文化交际内容,结合跨文化交际知识组织学生进行语言交际活动。2. 涉及了系统的跨文化交际内容:涵盖跨文化交际学的基本知识和文化认知、文从中西文化角度分析1 Telephone courtesy Kathy and David a couple from the US signed a one-year contract to work in China both were extroverted and soon made

Therelationshipbetweenlanguageandculture Theinfluenceofcultureonlanguage 1.Languageasreflectionoftheenvironment 2.Languageasreflectionofvalues “zephyr”---westwind2015年首轮上线以来,作为首门培养学习者跨文化素养的国际慕课,该课程每年开放两轮选课,至今已吸引了来自近200个国家和地区的五万余名学生注册学习!该课程采取


标签: 跨文化交际第4版电子版



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