
look cool发音一样吗,orange的音标

cool 发音不同的单词 2023-09-23 20:46 182 墨鱼
cool 发音不同的单词

look cool发音一样吗,orange的音标

结果一题目look、good、cool、book这些单词中哪个发音不同答案cool oo发的是长音其他三个是短音cool [ku:l] look [luk] good [ɡud] book [buk]相关推荐1look、good、cLook [luk] look,good [gud] good,cool [ ku:| ] cool,book [buk],这四个字中,只有cool与元音组合oo的发音不同。cOol中的oo读作[u:],look good book三个字中的

You look very smart in your new suit. 你穿上新衣服显得很帅。How handsome he looks in his fine clothes. 他穿上漂亮衣服瞧上去多帅。You look cool in a早餐点单后15分钟内In breakfast list latter 15 minutes[translate] a造句Creating sentences[translate] aThey look cool! 他们看起来凉快!translate]

相关知识点:试题来源:解析考查字母oo在单词中的读音.look [lʊk].cool[kuːl].school[skuːl].zoo[zuː].根据单词的音标可知,BCD的字母oo都是发[uː].故选:A.反馈收藏23.Few pleasures can equal ___of a cool drink on a hot day. A.some B.any C.that D.those 24.—Is___here? —No,two have asked for leave. A.anybody B.s

look shoot foot boot pool cool wool tool fool food wood woof noon moon soon room broom tooth choose smooth scoop zoo blood fl ood goal coal coat road boat coast o27. —You look cool in a red shirt and white trousers. — A. Thank you. B. I think so. C. Of course. D. No, I don’t. 28. —in the beautiful la

(一)先教字母音标目的.:学生通过唱字母歌已十分熟悉字母的发音了,把这些字母的音标写出来,教他们,一方面可以使字母的发音从理性上读得更规范;另一方面,让他们不一样。look 中oo发[u];cool中oo发[u:


标签: orange的音标



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