
think through造句,about造句

用come out造句带翻译 2023-12-25 18:31 791 墨鱼
用come out造句带翻译

think through造句,about造句

think through think about until one reaches an understanding or conclusion想通;想透Think it through carefully before you give me your final decision. 把事情仔细想好以look through 翻阅;看一遍put through 接通电话check through 核对go through 审阅;检查学习see through 识破pull through 渡过危机;康复●动词+back短语结构look back 隐瞒;忍住

Don't letloosewhat you want to say. First think carefully. 不要脱口而出,先要想清楚She letloosea string of four-letter words. 她说了一串四字词I wanted to makesureyou w车道underground铺于地下reclaim开拓inertia惯性💎短语cascade down跌落wade through涉水be struggling to为某事而挣扎think tank智慧团brought on导致make sense有意义#外刊精读#i

6.Nothing Ithinkthroughis worthwhile for the youth. 我想不出什么事情对这年轻人有益。- 来源-- KK音标学习风暴- Unit 33好评(10)差评() 7.apply thoroughly;thinkthr5、think throughthe problem or task a little longer, long enough so you can clearly explain what you want to achieve.(多考虑一下这个问题或者任务,这样你可以尽早的

I didn't think through the consequences of promotion. 我没有充分考虑到晋升带来的各种结果。They can help you think through the interface and requirements of each u8. 在管理团队时,需要先think through每个团队成员的优势和不足,以便分配任务和资源。9. 在进行投资决策时,需要think through市场趋势和风险,以便做出最明智的投资决策。10

think sth through造句1. Before making a decision, it's important to think it through carefully. 2. I need some time to think this project through before presenti第三人称单数:thinks through现在分词:thinking through过去式:thought through 同义词v. consider,contemplate,ponder,mull over,weigh up 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 仔细


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