
have breakfast造句,用be like造句

go home造句 2023-09-24 21:20 560 墨鱼
go home造句

have breakfast造句,用be like造句

have breakfast的发音:sorry,there is no have breakfast's voice. 单词解释吃早餐,吃早饭与have breakfast 相关的例句It's time to have breakfast. 吃早饭的时间到了。I have breakfast with my family today.

It's difficult to see have breakfast in a sentence. 用have breakfast造句挺难的Man : we haven ' t had breakfast in the hotel once 男士:我们从没在旅馆里吃过早餐!6.Every day Ihavebreakfast,havebreakfast,havebreakfast. 每天早上我吃早饭,吃早饭,吃早饭。- 来源-- 小学英语(四年级下学期适用) - Lesson 3 I have breakfast at seve

Have youeaten breakfast( lunch , super ) already 你吃过早饭(午饭,晚饭)了吗。Aren ' t you eating ? - my dad doesn ' teat breakfast 你不吃吗?-我爸爸从不吃早饭N :have breakfast 1. The person in charge of the private kindergarten and three cooks who prepared thebreakfasthavebeen detained by police. 2. Wehavea ritual, " welc

ˇ▽ˇ Mother makes me have breakfast. 妈妈让我吃早饭。We have breakfast at five to seven. 我们七点差五分吃早饭。I have not time to have breakfast. 我没有时间吃早餐5、Have you had your breakfast already?你已经吃过早饭了吗?6、He had a light breakfast of poached eggs and tea.他早餐就吃了点水煮荷包蛋,喝了点茶。7、Accommodation is

to have breakfast造句1. Now don't forget to have breakfast at eight and lunch at one. “可别忘了八点吃早饭,一点吃午饭. 2. After that, I go downstairs to the kitc类型英语造句1、As I didn'thave breakfast, my stomach started to ache.(因为没吃早饭,我的胃开始疼起来。2、Shall wehave breakfast?(我们吃早餐吧? 3、Mother makes


标签: 用be like造句



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