
be frightened with,fright短语

frighten的固定搭配 2023-12-19 11:12 654 墨鱼

be frightened with,fright短语

be frightened to death 吓得要死 frighten badly 大惊frighten deeply 害怕极了 frighten easily 容易吓住frighten horribly 非常害怕 frighten off 吓跑词义辨析frightbe frightened of the police害怕警察;frighten out of威吓某人不做…frighten sb out of wits把某人吓破了胆;frighten sb to death把某人吓得要死;frighten sb with a horror

异同之处:be afraid of和be frightened of用法一致,of是介词,后面跟让人恐惧或者害怕的人或者事物。同义短语还有be scared of, have a dread of。例1:Kids should learn not to befrighten常用于be ~ed结构:其后接at, by, of或with表示被某一突然出现的人或物所惊吓;接of还可表示习惯性地害怕某人或某物;接介词to表示惊吓的程度。be frightened多表示

高考英语全国I/II/III卷必考介词短语100个81.be frightened at受…惊吓;82.be popular with 受…欢迎,在…中流行;83. take advantage of 利用;84.make sense 有道理;make senbe disagreeably surprised吃惊而又不快be dumb with astonishment惊得说不出话来be frightened at 怕be horrified at对……不寒而栗be lost in awe敬畏不已be petrified with

+^+ 34.frightened sb to death/be frightened to death 把某人吓得要死35.be frightened with sth 对某事感到害怕36.major in 主修37.have an effect/ influence/impact on 其实两个差不多,但稍有区别.be frightened of [口]害怕,对感到恐惧如:She is frightened of snakes.她害怕蛇.be frightened at 使.害怕如:He was frightene


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