
ought短语,ought 的用法

词条图册的更新频率 2024-01-07 11:06 451 墨鱼

ought短语,ought 的用法

ought 基本解释助动词应该(指道义上有责任); 应当(显示所采取行动正确或明智); 可能会;预料会做(某事) 及物/不及物动词应该(指道义上有责任); (表示愿望)应当(显示所采取行主句:主语+ should/would/could/might/ought to 例:真理:The sun dose't rise in the west 假设:If the sun were to rise in the west,how surprised people would be(如果太阳

重要程度100% v. 应该,应当desalinate是什么意思desalinate的解释deaden是什么意思deaden的解释effectual是什么意思effectual的解释acrimonious是什么意思acrimonioought的用法例句:1. The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient. 建设电站的资金本该足够了。2. I think you ought to give football a rest fo

情态动词=can和be able to表示能力=can和may表示允许=can,may和must表示推测=can't和may not表示否定推测=must,should, ought to表应该=must和have(got)to表不得不=shall和will=shou常用短语1.ought self:应该自我;应该我2.ought to be:应该是;应当;应当是;应是3.you ought know:你应该知道4.I think you ought to:我觉得你们应该;我觉得5.ought toard

ought词语用法ought例句aux.(助动词)ought常接不定式符号to,用作情态动词表示责任或义务时作“应该”解,表示劝告或推荐时作“应当”解,表示推论时作“可能会”解,但都不及musOught to is a phrasal modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. The negative form of ought to is ought not to, which is sometimes shortened to oughtn't


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