count造句:1. I count ten people here.我数了一下,这里有十个人。2. We're counting on you to help us.我们指望你来帮助我们。3. Count out the money careful...
08-30 978
wait造句 |
count认为造句,count 的同义词
1. Doctor believed that his low sperm count was the problem. 医生认为他的精子数太低是问题所在。2. It's the wages that count. Not over-generous, but there you areI think it necessary that you do it at once. 我认为你必须立刻做那件事。We find it necessary that we practice spoken English every day. 我们发现每天练习英语口语很有必要
认为;看作;算作;被视为to consider sb/sth in a particular way; to be considered in a particular way IDM be able to count sb/sth on (the fingers of) one hand 屈指可•count •countable •countdown •countenance •counter •counter- •counteract •counterargument •counterattack •counterbalance •counterblow •counterchange
count造句1、Count,count,countwith me. 2、Acoustic emissioncount(emissioncount) 3、Daily dynamiccountand cyclecount. 4、Count blessings like childre9.Only things that you think count count, and nothing counts when you think it doesn't, so what really counts varies. 点评:这个读者很用心,造句很精巧,前面玩了个wordplay
27、So I don't think one can count him out.因此我认为他不会被踢出局。28、Don't count on others to cover up for your shortcomings.别指望别人来掩饰你的缺点。29、N其余全返回1.表示其余数据类型都会当成有效数据统计,所以count a函数在实际生活中往往用来统计数据条目的
count造句如下:1、there had been a cancellation on a ship leaving almost at once.一艘几乎立刻就要起航的轮船被取消了。2、a setback to the state could pre18.Finally they had tocounthimasdead. 最后他们只能认为他已死掉。- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(10)差评() 19.Told you sleeping late at your computer wouldn'tcount
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标签: count 的同义词
count造句:1. I count ten people here.我数了一下,这里有十个人。2. We're counting on you to help us.我们指望你来帮助我们。3. Count out the money careful...
08-30 978
然后,学生两人一组,先由一名学生模仿教师发布指令,另一名学生根据他的指令做出相应的动作。之后,两人调换角色,继续做练习。 (三)教授的语言形式以祈使句为主,带动其它句型。 指令型...
08-30 978
两句描写秋天的诗句 1.落照长杨苑,秋天渭水滨。——唐·耿湋《酬李文》 2.数亩池塘近杜陵,秋天寂寞夜云凝。——唐·李昌符《秋夜作》 3.暗窗凉叶动,秋天寝席单。——唐·韦应...
08-30 978
1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 2、山川函谷路,尘土游子颜。 3、劝君不用镌顽石,路上行人口似碑。 4、身为野老也无责,路有流民终动心。 5、渐入新丰路,...
08-30 978
幸好公司早有准备,那群记者像蜂群一样嗡嗡地飞向一辆奥迪车,车里面是假扮马嘉祺的士大夫,而正主趁机上了令一辆车。 很快,马嘉祺就回到了公司给他们购置的大别墅,五个弟弟和大...
08-30 978