

九年级英语翻译书电子版 2023-12-13 23:41 407 墨鱼


冀教九Lesson31音频:00:0002:18后退15秒倍速快进15秒Lesson 31: A Movie or a Play第31课一部电影或一部戏剧Ms. Cox always tries to find interesting information and project他和丹尼上了车,and they drive to the hospital. Soon they arrive. 驾车去医院。不久他们就到了。Hi Danny. I'm Nurse Sara. Don't worry. 你好,丹尼。我是护士莎拉。别担心。

资源描述:《冀教版九年级上册第一单元英语课文翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版九年级上册第一单元英语课文翻译(12页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜篇一:2021 外研版英语九上课文翻译篇二:2021 年新版九年级上册英语Unit 5 课文+翻译Unit 5 Section A 1b Listen and match the products with what they are made of and

®无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的冀教版九年级上册英语课文翻译第三单元,供大家参考:[ti:UNIT 3 Buying and Selling Lesson 17 Who Will Buy It?][0:冀教版九年级上册英语第六单元课文翻译.pdf,[ti:UNIT 6 Accidents! Lesson 41 After an Accident] [0:00.789]UNIT 6 第六单元[0:02.404]Accidents! 事故![0

翻译频道为大家整理的冀教版九年级上册英语课文翻译,供大家参考:学习辅助网(​http:​\/​​\/​5730.net​\/​​)5730.net(​http:​\/​​\/​..9、13.552On your way home from school, you see an old woman lying on the road.2:19.646You try to help her.2:21.625Make up a dialogue with a partner

╯ω╰ 第一枚邮票是美国于1932年1月在第三届奥运会上发行的。1:23.349From then on, publishing stamps during the Winter Olympics became a rule. 从那以后,冬奥会期间发行邮票成为一种冀教版九年级上册英语第六单元课文翻译[教材] [ti:UNIT 6 Accidents! Lesson 41 After an Accident] [0:00.789]UNIT 6 第六单元[0:02.404]Accidents! 事故~ [


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