

itis的缩写怎么读 2023-09-27 14:51 201 墨鱼


Itis a glorious thing to die for the people. 为人民而死是光荣的。Itis easier to read French than to speak it. 读法语比说法语容易。Itis easy for a thief to break2. 句子参考翻译: 句子1:It is just that more time is needed to finish the work. 句子2:No historian doubts the importance of John Bright; it is just that he has sl

Itis today than it was yesterday . 今天的天气比昨天暖和。Only if you believe itis . 只有当你相信的时候才会发生。Do you know what time itis ? 你知道现在都几点吗?itis造句1、itisossificans of quadriceps femoris 2、What's infrastructure-itis? 3、But she has scent-itis. 4、Yes,itisquite satisfactory. I accept i

it's───contr.它是(itis);它已,它有(ithas)双语使用场景What's infrastructure-itis?───什么是infrastructure-itis? It may not be perfect, but itis our heaven.─48、Iwasastoundedbyitsbeauty. 49、这辆车有它的一些小小脾气。50、Thedogsaveditsmaster'slife. 【用its造句简单些并翻译优选50句】相关文章

⊙△⊙ itis。。since句型翻译例句:1. It is / has been four days since I caught a cold. 我感冒已四天了。2. It is / has been two weeks since we met last. 自从我们上次见面Itisnot easy. I finished finally. 不容易啊. 终于打完了. 互联网Butitisperhaps the fundamental impulse behind it. 但它可能就是在背后驱动双方的主要原因. 互联网Itis

∩△∩ 非谓语从句:Guangzhou is a beautiful city,which is called "the Flower City".单词its 例句大全,用单词its造句:Itspowerful.Itsluxurious.Itsefficient. 大功率,超豪华,高效率Itsnot so much the painitsmore the actual knife 没有什么比现实的锋刃伤


标签: its造句简单并翻译



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