
comefrom造句,come from的释义

come from的读音 2023-08-28 14:45 336 墨鱼
come from的读音

comefrom造句,come from的释义

看工作时长和英语基础啦,一天能抽出2-3 个小时学习的话是实际的,英语基础有四级就足够攻克雅思了。come from造句1、The letter had come from an unknown mischief-maker. (这封信来自一个匿名的离间者。2、I come from China. Welcome to China. (我来自中国,欢迎你来中

1、Icome fromOttawa. 2、Be derived from;come from;originate from 3、D. Icome fromAmerica. 4、Where do miragescome from? 5、Where do aromascome from?19、Many of the clothescome fromthe world's top fashion houses.(这些服装中有很多来自世界顶级时装设计公司。20、Where have you justcome from?(你刚从

come from造句复制1、The letter hadcome froman unknown mischief-maker.(这封信来自一个匿名的离间者。2、Icome fromChina. Welcome to China.(我来自中国,欢迎你来中单词come from 例句大全,用单词come from造句:The first thrill of joy to my awakened soul let itcome fromhis glance. 让他的眼光成为我觉醒的灵魂最初的欢跃。The soun

come from造句1、Identity has to come from somewhere. Gender is one of the bulwarks of social identity.身份总要靠着什么东西才能形成,而社会性别是社会身份的保障之一26、This moment, brightness comes from wall wall of the city and housetop, incoming fromyour heart happy and Anacreontic, and come from the sun not j

where areyoucomefrom宁愿让您的女儿给一头黑马骑了,替您生下一些马子马孙,攀一些马亲马眷。1.3 直接生造句子He bears the sentence well that nothing bears But the free comfort which from thenc


标签: come from的释义



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