

爱已结束的英语 2023-09-24 12:42 759 墨鱼


a在一段时间里改变Changes in period of time[translate] a他怎么了?他得了重感冒,他应该多喝些水。He how? His heavy cold, he should drink a water.[translate] a对你的7. Our relationship is over. 我们的关系到此为止。8. We are strangers now. 我们现在形同陌路。9. I gave up on him. 我离开了他。10. We said good-bye

英文翻译That's it 重点词汇感情───feeling;到此为止───only this and nothing more 双语使用场景She'sfeelinga little homesick.───她感到有些想家了。I amfee一段情到此为止的说说1 1、一个女人的婚姻往往始于爱情,徘徊于了解,纠结于责任和面子,绝望于看透!毁于婆婆!而一个男人的婚姻往往始于激情,坚定于爱情,犹豫于看

aI never remember to look stayed for a year 我从未记得到一年停留的看起来[translate] ano sunshine no your smile I will die give you my eyes can I see that as you c3. We are done here. 我们再无瓜葛了。4. We are not seeing each other any more. 我们不在一起了。5. We borke up. 我们分手了。6. We split up. 我们分手了。7. Our

对你的感情,到此为止问题补充:匿名2013-05-23 12:21:38 Feelings for you, stop here 匿名2013-05-23 12:23:18 This concludes the your feelings, 匿名2013-05-23 1问题七:是时候结束这段感情了怎么翻译英文感情指爱情谢谢It's time to put and end to this love. It's time to end our love. Let's break (比较直接


标签: 表示感情一切都结束了的英语



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