

narrow造句简单 2023-09-24 22:35 333 墨鱼


53.He is a man of strong [weak]character. 他是意志坚强[软弱]的人。54.He has a virile and sturdycharacter. 他有一种男子气概和刚毅不屈的性格。55.The novelist drawcharacter造句简单I gladly bear witness to his good character. 我很高兴证明他的善良。My waking character is far from sound. 我醒着时的品格并非无可指责。Some doc

buildings that are very simple incharacter 造型很简洁的建筑物牛津词典Everyone admires her strength ofcharacterand determination. 每一个人都钦佩她坚强的性格和决27、Character ID level only shows the name of thecharacter-in StarCraft II, this is your non-uniquecharactername. 28、A universal-character-name is

24.Onecharacteris not clearly differentiated from another. 人物之间的区别没有明显刻划出来。25.She dominated the meeting by sheer force ofcharacter. 她单凭个人气单词character 例句大全,用单词character造句:Acharacterof a check key. 校验键字符。Cruelty is absent from hischaracter. 残酷不是他的性格。To convert data,charact

36. His handling of the crisis attest to his strength of character. 他对危机的处理证明了他性格坚强。37. Thrift is engrafted in his character. 他已经节俭成性。381)character[英]['k?r?kt?(r)][美]['k?r?kt?]人物1.Irony in Pride and Prejudice about Characters;论《傲慢与偏见》中人物的讽刺因素(英文) 2.The Combination of Love an


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