

a couple of造句 2023-09-27 12:15 548 墨鱼
a couple of造句


Today, I had to give apresentationabout Adolf Hitler. 今天,我得作一个关于阿道夫。希特勒的演讲。英文例句大全为您提供presentation英文例句大全,presentation英文造句,提到presentation,大家应该都了解,有朋友问presentation造句,还有朋友想问presentation实用表达全总结,这到底怎么回事呢?下面是小编为大家整理的presentation造

presentation造句:1.The new product presentation will end on time at 5 pm today. 新品展示将于近日下午5点整准时结束。2.This year's exam will be in the form of a p英英网络释义presentation 显示所有例句n. 1. [u] 提交;授予;颁发;出示the act of showing sth or of giving sth to sb 2. [u] 提出(或展示、解释等)的方式the way in whi

Rehearse your presentation out loud , accompanied by the slide show . 一边播放演示文稿,一边大声陈述你要演示的内容。I hope your presentation goes well . 我希望你的介绍顺利。This hea17、When it comes to work-relatedpresentationsand meetings, you'll hit the bull's eye. 18、Objective To study clinicalpresentationsand complications

✅Introducing the presentation ✨We know that X is fundamental to …✨We know that X is a leading cause of …✨We know that X is an important aspect of …✨This aft22、Now, how do you want to begin thepresentation? 23、SCA does not offer an alternativepresentation-tier technology. 24、Remember you are the focal


标签: practical造句



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