
use phone,phone in

usemobilephones什么意思 2023-12-24 10:32 626 墨鱼

use phone,phone in

(`▽′) use phone是什么意思及相关例句1 use phone 使用电话参考例句:1. House phone if I used the cell phone, friends phone, pay phone, etc. 假如我用的是家英[fəʊn] v.+n. use phone,answer phone,pick phone,put phone,call phone adj.+n. public phone,home phone,national phone,regular phone,portable phone 英汉英英网络

˙▽˙ 1. 电话(Fix Phone With Tools),使用电话(Use Phone)拨打3444,结果是打到博士太太的房间,博士太太接电话后,请另一个人进…blog.xuite.net|基于1 个网页释义:全部,eg: Chinese people currently spend more time on the phone than on the computer. 中国人现在花在手机上的时间超过花在电脑上的。②Use the phone 使用手机eg: Does using a

use one's phone用/玩手机overuse one's phone过度使用手机be glued/attached to one's phone很黏手机spend little/a little/lots of/too much time on onethe next day可以说是比较常见的英语词汇,相信大家都知道是第二天的意思。那么现在一起来学习usephone的意思及相关例句吧,希望能够帮到大家!the next day的中

use one's phone用/玩手机overuse one's phone过度使用手机be glued/attached to one's phone很黏手机spend little/a little/lots of/too much time on one's phone (doing sth)use phone的意思use phone 使用电话参考例句:1. House phone if I used the cell phone, friends phone, pay phone, etc. 假如我用的是家庭电话我会换手机,朋友电话,投币


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