

keep doing例句 2023-12-22 23:23 256 墨鱼
keep doing例句


keep on 基本解释:指重复、继续。例句:She'll keep the apartment on through the summer.整个夏天她将继续租用那间公寓。keep up 基本解释:(使)继续下去,(使)不停止;坚持1、Sokeepstanding,keeplearning, andkeepliving. 2、We couldkeepgoing,keepfighting. 3、Tokeepyou satisfyied,keepyou satisfyied 4、keeppace with;keepup

(=`′=) C.take onD.keep on 答案:A我关心的是中考例题例句与用法Keep straight on until you get to the church.一直朝前走就走到教堂了。Please keep me a place in t1、keep after 追赶,不断提醒,一再要求例句1:His wife kept after him to quit smoking, so he did at last.译文1:他的妻子不断提醒他戒烟,因此他最终戒了烟。例句2:He kept

例句:We should keep our classroom clean and tidy. 我们应保持教室整洁干净。二、用作连系动词构成系表结构:keep+表语,意为"保持,继续(处于某种状态)"。其中表语可用形1. Do not keep all the eggs in one basket. [谚]不要孤注一掷。2. Great trees keep down the little ones. [谚]大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米。3. A business must stay in the

单词Keep 例句大全,用单词Keep造句:I am like a woodpecker. when I want to accomplish something, I justkeepat it. 我就像只啄木鸟,当我想要完成某事时,坚持下去就是了。keep的过去式kept的例句1. A skeleton staff of 20 is being kept on. 留下了20名骨干人员。2. The plane has been kept in service far longer than origina

Keep a secret 释义保密;保守秘密例句We ought to talk it over with a man who can keep a secret.这事得找个嘴稳的人商量一下。If you will have another keep a secret , kekeep 显示所有例句v. 保持stay 1. [i][t] (使)保持,处于to stay in a particular condition or position; to make sb/sth do this 继续continue 2. [i] 继续,重复(做某事)to


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