

用cake造句子简单 2023-12-25 18:35 396 墨鱼


只要把这些问题搞清楚了,洗出一头干净茂密的头发,那都是a piece of cake! 正文提要:本次测试不涉及品牌收费、拉踩等商业关系,所有洗发水全程自费购买同时精力a piece of造句a piece of造句1. I found a piece of paper on the ground and picked it up. 2. She cut a piece of cake for each of us to enjoy. 3. The artist painted

例句与造句he thinks it'll be a piece of cake . 他认为那是唾手可得的事。the exam paper was a piece of cake . 那份试卷十分容易。with bea, paying your taxes is 9、Ann: Would you like to have a piece of cake? 10、I had a piece of cake and a cup of milk. 11、You must be crazy. It's no piece of cake. It's a lot

2、CHRIS: Do you wanta piece of cake?(克丽丝:你想要一块蛋糕吗? 3、Dear me! It'sa piece of cake.(亲爱的我它的一块蛋糕。4、a piece of cake, please.(请给我一块蛋12、It's known that a knowledge of many languages is nota piece of cake. 13、Here'sa piece of cakeand a small coffee for you, sir. 14、Mr. Green didn

∩﹏∩ 1 this question for me is a piece of cake .2 She usually picks up her child to school .3 Although I study very hard ,I failed the test .4 It doesn't go 例如,如果有人说某个任务对他来说是"a piece of cake",就是说他认为这个任务很容易完成,不会有太多困难。例句:The math test wasa piece of cake; I finished it in just 10 min

1、a piece ofstonework 2、executea piece ofmusic 3、Here'sa piece ofchalk. 4、puckera piece ofcloth 5、a piece ofcream cake 6、murdera piece ofmusic好工具造句栏目为您提供2023年的a piece of cake的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条a piece of cake的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了a piece of cak


标签: pickup造句简单



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