
engagement with,Engagement

engage词性转换 2023-12-25 20:46 487 墨鱼

engagement with,Engagement

engage的名词形式是engagement。engage常用作动词,意思是“从事;聘用;吸引住(注意力、兴趣);雇用;与…建立密切关系”,其名词形式engagement的意思是“约会;约定;订婚;婚约his lifelong engagement with politics a lack of emotional engagement Her views are based on years of engagement with the problems of the inner city

4. I have an engagement with him this afternoon. 今天午后我和他有个约会。5. 5. He has only enough money to meet his engagements. 他的钱刚够付约定的款项。engagem约定arrangement to do sth 2. [c] (尤指正式的或与工作有关的)约定,约会,预约an arrangement to do sth at a particular time, especially sth official or sth connected w

∪﹏∪ engagement with sb与某人的约会同近义词辨析battle, fight, struggle, combat, campaign, warfare, war, engagement 这组词都有“战斗,战争”的意思,其区别是:battle侧重engagement with sb 英美engagement with sb的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译与某人的约会分享单词到:

take an engagement with 受聘于…gear engagement 齿轮啮合engagement factor 接触比,重合度comprehensive engagement 全面接触theory of engagement 啮合原理tank engagement 坦克战斗网络释义1. 有约束力商务词汇within its validity 在有效期内with engagement有约束力China Commodity Inspection Bureau 中国商检局hi.baidu|基于2个网


标签: Engagement



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