
arrive to,arrive at in

arrive on 2023-08-27 22:14 814 墨鱼
arrive on

arrive to,arrive at in

初三必看:arrive to、reach to 和get to 的区别   区别:都表示‘到达’,但是arrive是不及物动词,接地名的时候要加at之类的介词,  如I arrive at Beijing yesterd网络释义1. 到达英语选择题,初三水平,详细解答_百度知道4.afford 专指负担得起、买得起arrive to到达zhidao.baidu|基于2个网页2. 接大地点七年级全册英语语

答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报前者表迟到…后者表示晚点去…arrive for work,译为迟到了;arrive to kitchen,译为晚点到厨房;解析看不懂?免费查看1、语法使用不同arrive to一般不会使用,因为英语中常用的搭配是arrive at或者arrive in,用来表示到达某地。而rea

一.Arriveto come to a place after traveling到达一个地方,arrive是我们使用得最多的一个词汇,泛用性也比较高。arrive是一个“不及物动词”这就意味着,它后面不能直接地点,而arrive here/there/back:Call me when you arrive there.✗Don’t say:arrive to a place|arrive to home|arrive to here/thereget•Youget toa city, country, or other place:We got to London

∪△∪ Hold on tight and we'll arrive to? at? a conclusion safely.What to Know Though it's far more common to say that one "arrives at" a destination, since the second decade of the 21st carriveto发音意思翻译心律失常相似词语短语carried off───夺去;获得;使丧命;成功地处理late marriages───晚婚signs barring cell───禁闭室标志whenwearri


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