

first怎么造句简单 2023-09-30 21:05 313 墨鱼


2.We will not leave until he comes.3.不倒装he didn't give up smoking until he got a serious disease.4.倒装not until he got a serious disease did h单词not 例句大全,用单词not造句:Nothere,notin America,notin Europe. 不在这里,不在美国,不在欧洲。TU, I amnotsad,notsad,notdistraught. 恩,我不悲伤,不难过,不心痛。

5、Clearly,not aconvenience. 6、Not like drunk wine,not aflower. 7、Not chubby,not alittle overweighted, fat. 8、Nevertheless,not amoment was lost;nnot at all造句1、I am not at all satisfied with the present situation. 我对现状根本不满意。2、I am not at all convinced by your explanation. 您的解释完全不能使我信服。

ˋ△ˊ not造句1、The old idea that this work was not suitable for women was no longer tenable. 认为这种工作不适合妇女的旧想法再也站不住脚了。2、The general rule is to not造句复制1、I'mnotvery photogenic.(我不大上相。2、Thou shaltnotkill.(不可杀人。3、But that'snotpossible!(但那是不可能的! 4、I'mnotstupid, you know.(你要

not造句1、Not tights,notsocks. 2、Not threenotfour. 3、Not extravagant,notdepressed,notdegenerate. 4、Oh, he'snotdead,notnotyet. 5、They arenotp下面为您提供关于【not until造句】内容,供您参考。1、not untilyou look at Ford's balance sheet.(不,除非你看了福特的资产负债表。2、I promise not to r


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