

once造句once开头 2023-11-04 12:28 711 墨鱼


ˋ0ˊ 1.once 2.ever 3.at one time once常见用法adv.一次,一趟;一倍;曾经;一旦conj.一旦…就…一经;n.一次,一回;1. I once went around the world. 过去我1.They cocktailed once every week.他们每星期喝一次鸡尾酒。2.He once lived in Shanghai.他曾经在上海住过。3.I have been there once.我到过那儿一次。4.Once

Once it is polluted,the environment needs a long time to recover. Once polluted,the environment needs a long time to recover. ③Although computer was invented less thanonce again英语造句,1、Once again her eyes scanned my face.她的眼睛又扫视了一次我的面孔。2、The research and development that Bush tore a

单词Once 例句大全,用单词Once造句:There is abnormal distribution of radiometric Rn over the concealed fault. 在隐伏断层的上方出现了氡和地气异常。Infant prodigies45. Once none of you is here, the man in throne will live alone in the lonely zone. 一旦你们没有人在此,王位上的人就要孤独地生活在这个孤寂的地带。46. Nowadays the once

答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报I go swimming once a week. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答更多答案(3) 特别推荐热点考点2022年中once 一次造句1. I can only visit my grandparents once a year. 2. Once upon a time, there was a princess living in a castle. 3. She only had one chance to solve t


标签: soon造句



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