

responsible造句简单 2023-01-22 21:17 669 墨鱼


It became clear that I hadn't been able to convince Mike. 显然我没能说服迈克。You can't convince others if you yourself aren't convinced. 如果你没单词convince 释义单词释义:使相信;说服[更多..] 单词造句

convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事convince sb to do sth 说服某人做某事经典例句1. You need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. 你要让1.convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事I was trying to convince her to marry me. 我努力说服她嫁给我。2.convince sb. of sth.使某人相信某事How can I convince you of he

˙^˙ You can't convince others if you yourself aren't convinced. 如果你没有使你自己信服你就不能使别人信服。There is no way anything would ever happen between us, and 1、How are not we to convince him? 2、Neither of them could convince the other. 3、It's hopeless trying to convince her. 4、I convince him of my hon

(#`′)凸 convince 网络解释1.好好学单词·英语单词1. 使相信,说明:convict 宣告有罪|convince使相信,说明| convivial 欢乐,快活的2. 使信服:10、convention 惯例;常会议;大会| I'm not going to believe it myself, never mind convince anyone else. 我自己都不会相信,更别提说服别人了。2. It became clear that I hadn't been able to convince Mi


标签: 用institution造句



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