
and so on的用法例句,and so on要举几个例子

and so on前要几个例子 2023-09-30 22:14 737 墨鱼
and so on前要几个例子

and so on的用法例句,and so on要举几个例子

say的用法5:“It is/was said that”结构的意思是“据说”。say的用法6:say后有时可跟替代词so或not。say的过去式例句:1. He said they should turn theideal用作名词的用法例句:We did a deal with the management on overtime.在加班问题上我们与管理部门达成一项协议。After weeks of negotiating, they're f

>0< and so on的用法为:and so on 是一个短语,意思是等等,用在举例的末尾,意思是举例未完。例句:Others are interested in art, music, books and so on.其他人对艺术、音乐、书and so on的用法和样例:例句This shop sells clothes, shoes, hats and so on. 这商店卖衣服,鞋,帽子等等。So we then think rupa-nama is permanent and happy. 而且每一

首先,前两个的汉语意思均为“许多、大量”,a lot意为“、许多非常”;其次,a lot of 与lots of修饰的是可数名词复数(apples,boxes, dictionaries and so on)和不可数名词(homework,sShe spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on. 她以做家务、看电视、看书等等度过一天. 在此句中and so on表示等等的意

and so on的用法为:and so on 是一个短语,意思是等等,用在举例的末尾,意思是举例未完。and so on 双语例句1. Wang Ping: They come not only to learn Wushu, but also to learn table tennis, track and field, swimming, gymnastics and so on. 王平:不仅来学

●△● 单词:and so on音标:ænd, ənd, ən səʊ, sə ɒn] 读音and so on的发音:单词解释等等与and so on 相关的例句She spendsherday doing housework, watchingtelevisioand so on的用法and so on是一种省略性表达方式,用于表示列举出来的内容还有更多,但没有具体说明,通常用在列举中。例如:We need to buy some food, like apples, oranges,


标签: and so on要举几个例子



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