

thrive造句 2023-09-24 10:43 391 墨鱼


1. Her frown gave him aspeechlessmessage. 她眉头一皱给了他一个暗示。2. I wasspeechlesswith anger. 我气得说不出话来。3. speechless的反义词3. Animals arespeechle1. Her frown gave him a speechless message. 她眉头一皱给了他一个暗示。2. I was speechless with anger. 我气得说不出话来。3. speechless的意思3. Animals are speec

名词:speechlessness 副词:speechlessly 英语解释:形容词speechless: unable to speak temporarily 同义词:dumb 例句:He was momentarily renderedspeechlesswith joy. 他1、The man was speechless. 2、His remark rendered me speechless. 3、He just stood there speechless. 4、The latter was speechless; his cousin replied

o(╯□╰)o speechless 1. I am almost speechless at all of these beautiful words! (我几乎被这些甜言蜜语感动得说不出话来了!2. While he was saying this to me, I bowed with my 19、This time it was so natural, she wasspeechless, he wasspeechless, a convergence of eyes, we know each other. 20、Eliza again looks at him,speech

∪▽∪ 权威造句1. He sat mute,speechlesswith ecstasy, gazing into the sky. 他静静坐着,凝视天空,一言不发,心驰神往。来自柯林斯例句2. The little boy wasspeechlesswith shock. 那小男孩惊得说单词Speechless 例句大全,用单词Speechless造句:Emissary isspeechless, the result is accurate. 使者默默无语,答案正确。I'm.actuallyspeechless. 我,真是无话可说了。I


标签: caused造句简单



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