

用awesome造句 2023-08-28 15:08 510 墨鱼


Nothing new./Busy as usual. 2. Saying Goodbye Bye! Bye now! So long! See you! See you again/tomorrow/next week. See you soon! Take care. Wish you luck. Have a nice day/7. I am busy doing bungee jumping. 8. I am busy exercising. 9. I am busy going to school. 10. I am busy finding my pen. 分析总结。bebusydoing分别造句请用bebus

1.I'm busy doing my homework 2.She's busy over the letter.(她忙于写信)3.What have you been busy about?4.She is as busy as a bee in the morning.(早上她不知行吗?I am busy answering your question.我在忙着回答你的问题. I was busy shopping.我当时在忙着购物呢. aren't you suppos

where,when,why,how的形式编写简单的小故事,然后不断突破自己的口语时间极限,争取可以滔滔不绝地凑1、Busy,busy,busyevery day. 2、Busy beesbusybees 3、We arebusy, reallybusy. 4、Leisure has leisure loneliness, but also leisure happiness;busybusybu

●0● 单词busy 例句大全,用单词busy造句:Busy,busywork. 非常繁忙的工作Oh,I'm afraid I'mbusy. 我恐怕没空。I had abusyafternoon. 下午我很忙。I am verybusy, actually. 实busy造句复制1、We're not always thisbusy!(我们并不总是这么忙! 2、She gives the impression of being verybusy.(她给人的印象是特别忙。3、I'm prettybusyjust now

busy英语造句,1、It is the mother who is expected to reorganize her busy schedule.应该让妈妈来重新安排她繁忙的日程。2、Sign up for sp1.I'm busy doing my homework 2.She's busy over the letter.(她忙于写信)3.What have you been busy about?4.She is as busy as a bee in the morning.(早上她


标签: breakfast造句简单



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