

bring up造句 2023-09-29 16:17 638 墨鱼
bring up造句


human being英语造句,1、The value of human being is the main question of science of man and axiology.人的价值问题是人学和价值学的中心问题。2、human造句复制1、Thehumanspirit is virtually indestructible.(人的精神实际上是不可摧毁的。2、How far ishumannature determined by biology?(人性在多大程度上是由其

用human造句子导读1.The human spirit is virtually indestructible.(人的精神实际上是不可摧毁的。3.The food was not fit for human consumption.(这食物不Sometimes a angry monkey may niphuman beings. 一只发怒的猴子有时会咬人。英文例句大全为您提供human being英文例句大全,human being英文造句,关于human being的英语句子

19、The human society can never be perfect andhuman beings are far from being flawless. 20、Philosophy is from the contradictory being ofhuman beinghumanbeing造一个句子【一】1 . 一头牛在一块泥泞的草地上吃草。2 . 看着手中一百分的试卷我心里美滋滋的。3 . 虽说小道有些泥泞,可大道还是相当干净的嘛。

23、The human society can never be perfect andhuman beingsare far from being flawless. 24、Experience enriches life, frustrate and temper people's wi例句:They think those animals will not usually attack humans.译文:他们认为那些动物通常不会袭击人。例句:This kind of food is suitable for humans.译文:这种食物适合人

o(╯□╰)o 类型英语造句1、It's all part of thehuman being experience.(这都是人经历的一部分。2、I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to anot解析Human being have a great impact on environment.人类对环境的影响很大. 结果一题目human being造句?附带翻译. 答案Human being have a great impact on environme


标签: suddenly英语造句



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