

moved和moving的造句 2023-12-24 21:02 650 墨鱼


单词Forward 例句大全,用单词Forward造句:They, Peng added Light, write a brilliant andforwardto tomorrow. 他们,为蓬中增添了亮色,续写了辉煌,展望了明天。As the arm move造句类型英语造句1、He felt somethingmove beside him.(他感觉到身边有东西在移动。2、I was too scared tomove.(我吓得动弹不得。3、Themove is a means to fight

move造句复制1、He felt somethingmovebeside him.(他感觉到身边有东西在移动。2、I was too scared tomove.(我吓得动弹不得。3、Themoveis a means to fight crime.(Every challenge in your life helps you to grow andmove forward. 生活中的每一个挑战都在帮助你成长和前进。How can the talksmove forwardin such an artificial enviro

19、He didn't move at first but after a few seconds he started tomove forward. 20、Move whiffle bat as hands begin tomove forwardfor the swing. 21例句:They put forward some new ideas on the problem.他们对这个问题提出了一些新的见解.I think I put forward

forward造句如下:1、He is forward in his English.他的英语有进步。2、We can see the forward part of the ship26、I want to turn into a beam of light andmove forward without end. 27、Although the ancients advocated etiquette and righteousness, today's socie


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