
be made up of的固定搭配,turn up

pleasure 2023-09-24 21:58 298 墨鱼

be made up of的固定搭配,turn up

 ̄□ ̄|| 31组动词固定搭配act act as 担任职务起作用act out 表演(对话、故事等)act for 代理(某人职务);代为(处理某事)act up 捣乱;出毛病break break away from 脱be made of,be made in,be made from,be made by,be made up of 这些都是make+介词的固定搭配。be made of表示“由制成”,指从原料到制成品,只发生了形状

编者按:由英语单词be构成的固定英语句式有很多,在考试前将它们一一背诵下来吧,下面是小编给你介绍的79句英语单词be的固定搭配,希望对你有帮助。1.在家be in 2.外出be out 3.离开be made up of 读音汉语翻译由所组成词意辨析:be made of, be made in, be made from, be made by, be made up of 这些都是make+介词的固定搭配。be made of: 表示“由

∩^∩ 73.Consist of(无被动)=be made up of=be composed of 由组成74.Lay down one’s life for 为牺牲生命75.Lay off 解雇76.Lay out 设计(建筑物/城镇/花园等);布置7731组动词固定搭配act act as 担任职务起作用act out 表演(对话、故事等) act for 代理(某人职务);代为(处理某事) act up 捣乱;出毛病break break awa

(4)be made up of由…组成或者构成,强调由部分组成整体。eg. The teamis made offive people. (5)材料be made into+“成品”表示:“被制成…”。eg. This cloth canbe made intthe medical team看作整体,所以填is to be sent。consist vi.包含,组成,构成;固定搭配]consist of由……构成(无被动)(= be made up of/be composed of);consist in主要是,主要在于。C)

考查固定搭配。mind one’s doing sth.“介意某人做某事”,是固定搭配。故选A。22.C 【详解】句意:我妈妈和我爸爸一样大。考查形容词短语。so as用于否定1、make up of由构成;由组成The group was made up of doctors.这个团体是由医生组成的。No matter what substance it may be, it is made up of ato


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