

I为开头造句 2023-12-29 22:02 640 墨鱼


playsports造句简单点,playsports造句简单点playsports造句简单点篇一:八年级上册un‎‎it 1 Play Sports unit 1 Playing Sports 【考点‎‎解析】Topic 12、Little 含否定意思,诸如few, scarecly, hardly,barely. 加了a的,如a few, a little 则表达了“一些”“一点”等肯定之意。3、little does she guess that it's Peter Wessel

造十个过去式的句子【越简单越好】i got a toy dog last week she had a cold i felt happy last trip i thought i was a good child they didn't do their homework last night s1. Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. 小孩依赖他们的父母供给衣食。2. It all depend on whether she like the boss or not. 一切都取决于她喜欢还是不

2. The long avenue, so bright and pleasant when the perfumed limes scattered their light bloom upon the pathway, and the dog-rose leaves floated on study造句简单一点的1、I study by reading notes over and over again.我通过一遍遍阅读笔记来学习。2、I study by working with friends.我通过和朋友工作来

引人注目造句子篇1 【关键词】说话句式训练策略研究作文教学作为语文教学的一个重要组成部分,应该早起步。小学低年级的写话教学是作文教学的启蒙阶段,句式3.结尾句:结尾句就是本段主旨句的paraphrase,用另外一种说法说一遍就中!b. 接着正面论证(如import

∪0∪ 而不用…1、The farmers will be paid for their grain in cash, instead of IOUs. 农民卖粮,将以现金支付,而不是白条了。用instead of 造句‘还要翻译网友解答:作为替用their造句以下是10个用their造句的例子:The students put their books in their lockers before going to lunch.(学生们在午餐前把他们的书放在他们的储物柜里。)The d


标签: 用her写一句话



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