
forward sth to sb,CC和BCC的区别

forward on 2023-09-29 21:12 634 墨鱼
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forward sth to sb,CC和BCC的区别

1.forward 可作副词,可指空间上的“向前(面)、朝前(面)”,经常与动词连用,forward=forwards move forward 往前走run forward 往前跑step forward 往前站come forward 走forward 2016-09 ~tosb把…送给某人,把…转给某人(共21字)[阅读本文]>> 推荐内容·A ·abandon ·abandon ·abase ·abash ·abate ·abatement ·abbreviate ·ab

forward to意为“期待;盼望;预期;预料”,其中to为介词,所以forward to后接名词或动词ing形式,表示期待某物,期待做某事。例句:They ran forward to welcome herPass sth (on) to sb Forward sth to sb 附件Please find/see attached the completed excel sheet

forward的用法3:forward可用于look forward to结构,to用作介词,其后只能接名词或动名词,不可接动词原形。forward的用法4:forward用作形容词时的意思是“向前1. be forwarded to这里forward的意思是把信转交给谁尤其是信或者email这种信息类的载体,由旧地址换到新地址或者是你是邻居送你手上,然后你给真正的收件

5⃣forward sth to sb 把…发送给某人(这里的forward是动词哦👀) 6⃣get wrong about sb 误解某人7⃣cut sb off 打断某人8⃣take it from me 相信我9⃣It's the best of both worforward sb sth =forward sth to sb 转寄某人某物walk forward迈向前12take a trip=go on a trip =go for a trip旅行;郊游13at the end of在末尾at the end of this m

∩﹏∩ fwd或fw是forward的缩写,表示转发邮件,一般在主题栏中以“Fw: 主题名称”格式出现。如果要表示“转交给某人”,可以用forward sth to sb。除此之外,还有多种电子邮件常用缩略语,如:解释:forward作副词⽤,⼤家都⽐较熟悉,⽐如look forward to sth.(盼望、期待)这个词组。但本句中的forward是动词,意思是“递送”,相当于英语动词send。Forward作动词⽤


标签: CC和BCC的区别



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