
help wanted,wanted造句

wanted ads 2023-09-26 15:43 952 墨鱼
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help wanted,wanted造句

必应词典为您提供help-wanted的释义,美[ˈhelp ˌwɑntəd],英[ˈhelp ˌwɒntɪd],网络释义:招聘广告;求才广告;招工广告;Help Wanted" 是一个常用的招聘广告词语,意为“招聘”或“征聘”,用于表明一个公司、组织或机构正在寻找新的员工或志愿者。例句Our company has a "Help Wanted" sign on

help wanted翻译

核心词义查询历史Help Wanted Help Wanted 英[help'wɒntɪd] 美[help ˈwɑːntɪd] 核心词义phr. 招聘员工;急聘;“招工”告示回到顶部点击反馈超级单词本请用Help wanted [释义]招聘员工;急聘;例句]As the economic downturn forces corporations and small businesses to shed jobs, one large employer still has the

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help wanted发音意思翻译困难时期(电影名) 招聘员工;急聘相似词语短语explanted───n.[生物]外植体;组织培养)分离块;vt.移植help raise───帮助提高helpmate─解析help wanted需要帮助双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 招聘员工例句:1.And don't expect the jargon to disappear from help wanted ads any time soon.而且,不要指望招聘广


标签: wanted造句



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