
Demands,demand of

demand是什么 2023-12-29 11:00 970 墨鱼

Demands,demand of

当demand在句式被用作名词时意思是坚决的或困难的要求顾客的需求demand可数还是不可数当demand做名词时,属于可数名词,demand的复数形式是demands。demand这个单词有名词和students'demandswas presented to thedeanof the law school.•Thisgrowthisnecessarytomitigatethesupply/demandimbalanceand for the continued economic health of there

●ω● Demand is an economic concept that relates to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and services and willingness to pay a specific price for them. An increase in the prdemands是什么意思,demands怎么读语音:demands 基本解释v.要求( demand的第三人称单数);需要;想要知道;查问中文词源demands 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看

+▽+ 二、demand的搭配:1.make demand on (of)提出要求,有求于……I know that they made the most unreasonable demands on you.我知道他们对你提出了最苛刻的要求。2.in demand 所所以,中文可以固定搭配“满足你的要求”,英语的固定搭配一般说meet sb.'s demands/condition,但是英语固定搭配也可以说satisfy your demands吗?没有训练出英语“学习力”,我们英

The demands on chief executives make for an increasingly strange mixture. Be more talented than others in the firm, but don't tell them what to doThe girl demands to be allowed to see her sick mother in hospital.这女孩要求允许看望她生病住院的母亲。Someone demanded to have a talk with you.有人要求和你谈一谈


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