

end造句 2023-09-25 11:36 807 墨鱼


end with 以……结束例句:Wet books should be placed on end with their pages kept apart. 弄湿的书应该竖着放置,书页分开。When you write a sentence, you must begiHe ended off his speech with a joke. 他以一个笑话结束了讲话。权威例句WHEEL END WITH MONITORING CAPABILITIES Wheel end with integrated motor assembly A 900-MHz R

in the end 1.最后;终于2.到头来;最终to an end 结束,终止end by 结果,以…作结束no end 无限,无数;不断,非常be at the end 到尽头,达限度to no end 无益地to the end adv.到底,始终例句7:If you go on driving like this, you will end up dead. 如果你继续这样开车,总有一天会把命丢掉的。Your reign ends with me. And the suffering you have caused also en

(*?↓˙*) 1、end with:侧重于结束的方式/原因。The Nazi kaiserdom ended with Berlin's being occupied at last.纳粹政权最终以以柏林的被攻陷而告终。2、end up with: 侧重于不好的结果。end with 美英na.以…完结[终止] 网络以……结束;以……结尾;以……为结束第三人称单数:ends with现在分词:ending with过去式:ended with 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 以

11. He was at wit's end with his troublesome younger brother. 他最后对他那个麻烦的弟弟也无法可想. 12. The document should end with a single blank line. 最后有一个end with[end wið] 意思:以结束end with例句(自然匹配,仅供参考) 例句:She tied the end of her pigtails with an elastic band . 翻译:她用一根松紧带扎紧辫梢。例句:They could end up wi

+^+ 6、One end of the lanyard shall be firmly tied with the harnesses and the otherend withlife line. 7、I can only recall it begins with "Ja" andend wi每日打卡10分钟,词汇量将突破极限。词表可中英文自测,通过游戏轻松加深记忆。从四六级到托福、GRE词汇,词典中有海量例句和视频。单词本…end with 重复播放以结束


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