

打开微信付款码英文翻译 2024-01-04 10:13 786 墨鱼


微信支付的英语是WeChat payment 。微信支付的英语是WeChat payment 。微信支付是中国著名的移动支付平台,由腾讯集2. 微信支付,支付宝支付WeChat Pay/ Alipay (1). Nowadays we are used to paying by WeChat Pay instead of cash. 如今我们都习惯于用微信支付而不用现金。2). I prefer to pay

(-__-)b 2. 微信支付,支付宝支付WeChat Pay/ Alipay (1). Nowadays we are used to paying by WeChat Pay instead of cash. 如今我们都习惯于用微信支付而不用现金。2). I prefer to pay英文版手机(微信、支付宝、钉钉等app)常用单词plus版1.quote ,[kw??t] ,v.n.引用He quoted a passage from the minister's speech.他引用了部长的一段讲话。2.recall,v.回

微信支付英语是Wechat payment。微信支付介绍:1、微信支付是腾讯集团旗下的第三方支付平台。Wechat payment is a t微信支付英语作文带翻译Online payment develops so fast that the age of non-cash has come. In China, more and more people use Alipay and Wechat to buy bills, no matter where they go

≥△≤ 微信支付:WeChat Pay 请点击此处输入图片描述WeChat Pay WeChat Pay:“WeChat”是微信的英文,不得不佩服腾讯家的文案英文都做的这么有意思,如果直接翻译的话现金支付pay by wechat/alipay 微信/支付宝支付points 积分redeem your points 兑换你的积分coupon 赠券voucher 优惠券trickles merge into the sea. an

注意:API秘钥需要输入32个字符,只允许输入数字和英文大小写字母的组合。管理员进行验证确认后,API秘钥设置完成,如图28、图29: F.电脑网站后台设置API秘钥将API秘钥添加到,电脑网站后台—商城—WeChat pay -- 微信支付pay by WeChat -- 用微信支付Can I pay by WeChat?我能用微信付款吗?Sure,please scan the QR code and pay for it. 当然可以,扫码付款吧。有需


标签: wechatPay翻译中文



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