
think of造句,try his best造句简单并翻译

such as造句子初二 2023-12-11 10:00 595 墨鱼
such as造句子初二

think of造句,try his best造句简单并翻译

think of 造句1. I can't help but think of my childhood memories when I hear the sound of rain. 2. Whenever I look at the stars in the sky, I can't help but think答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报what do you think of the idea? 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答相似问题think highly of 造句,要口语化的. “用think of造

╯▽╰ think of造句复制1、We need tothink ofways to make money.(我们需要想办法挣钱。2、Don't despair! We'llthink ofa way out of this.(别灰心!我们会找到出路的。3、I单词think of 例句大全,用单词think of造句:And we mightthink ofthese as abandoned. 我们或许会以为它们被遗弃了。She tried tothink ofway to make abe happy. 她想方设

I think the same of him as you do .我对他的看法和你对他的看法一样。It's difficult to find think in a sentence. 用think造句挺难的He was surprised and blasted by think of造句如下:1、I can not think of his name at the moment 。2、I tried every cure you can think of 。3

o(?""?o 1、I just can't think of his name 我就是想不起来他叫什么了。2、He was her distant relative, as was everyone 14、Think of the texture of music andthink ofthese strands of high and low. 15、What do youthink ofthe mouse? 16、What do youthink ofthe sunglasses?


标签: try his best造句简单并翻译



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