
be particular about造句,be concerned about造句

different from造句 2023-09-26 15:55 102 墨鱼
different from造句

be particular about造句,be concerned about造句

be too particular about 对……很挑剔be too particular about trifles 计较小事be excessively particular about wording 咬文嚼字be particular about sth 对……挑剔Be particular about what one eats讲究吃喝She is not particular about her dress.她不讲究穿戴。Grandad is very particular about his food.爷爷吃饭很挑剔。The mana

1.She'sparticularabouther clothes. 她在衣着方面很讲究(或挑剔)。- 来源-- 英汉- 辞典例句好评(12)差评() 2.Beparticularabout 讲究,挑剔,苛求-- 来源-- 英汉- 短句网络挑食;对食物十分挑剔;偏食网络释义1. 挑食口语讲解1_梁君_新浪博客锻炼身体work out挑食be particular about food气愤worked up blog.sina.cn|基于4个

ˇ△ˇ be particular about/over 1. 讲究;挑剔She is very particular about what she wears. 她对穿着十分讲究。go into particulars 1. 详细叙述He then went into particula1. be particular about 讲究;挑剔双语例句1. Passengers who were not over-particular about their time of arrival. 对到达时间并不挑剔的旅客。2. She

≥0≤ (1)be particular about..对……挑剔in particular ( = particularly)特别地;尤其地(2)particularly adv.特殊地;特别地①John wass neverparticular about the food his wife第一种“讲究”表达的是人对事物的“挑剔,要求高”,英语中“particular”的其中一个解释是:not easily satisfied and demanding that close attention should be given to every


标签: be concerned about造句



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