

sentence造句并翻译 2023-06-11 18:53 993 墨鱼


my sentimental friend的造句和例句:1. ""'My Sentimental Friend "'" is a song written by Geoff Stephens and New Zealand in 1969.内有更多更详细关于my sentimental frsentimental 扩展词汇英[ˌsentɪ'mentl]美[ˌsentɪ'mentl] adj.感伤的;感情的;多愁善感的Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计感伤的多愁善感.. 感

~·~·~许渊冲对于翻译的态度大体如下:诗歌翻译是一种再创作;“美”比忠实更重要——而这种“美”不Peter wrote asentimentalsong for his wife on their tenth wedding anniversary. 彼得在结婚十周年纪念日时给他的妻子写了一首充满柔情的歌。英文例句大全为您提供sentime

●﹏● I can never understand why people become dewy-eyed andsentimentalabout the past.我无论如何也不能理解为什么一说起过去人们就会那么容易动情和伤感。Don't go getting 1. "Oh, Melly, don't be sentimental! "啊,你别伤感了!媚兰!2. My dear friend in S.Fa sentimental girl Connie其实你好索嘎一齐为减肥加油3. "Remember, I

1. It has greatsentimentalvalue for me. 它对我有很重大的情感价值。2. Perhaps I was a sensitive one for each of the women who are afraid, maybe I am a woman hopel1. She kept all the old photographs for sentimental reasons. 她保存所有这些旧照片是出于情感上的缘故。sentimental 网络解释1. sentimental的翻译1. 多愁善感:接着演

I'm trying not to besentimentalabout the past 我努力不让自己表现得感怀过去。柯林斯高阶英语词典It's a verysentimentalplay. 这是一部十分煽情的戏。柯林斯高阶英I'm trying not to be sentimental about the past.


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