

or的词组 2023-08-27 16:34 506 墨鱼


or造句复制1、We all fear disabilityorinfirmity.(我们都害怕伤残或体弱。2、He was lying—orwas he?(他在说谎,还是没有说谎? 3、I don't drink whiskyorbrandyorany Did you do your homework or watch TV last night? 你昨晚做作业还是看电视了?二、用于否定句中连结并列成分,表示“和,与”之意。造句如下:There isn't any a

or造句简单而短1. Oranges are sweet or sour. 2. You can choose to walk or run. 3. The sky is blue or gray. 4. You can have tea or coffee. 5. The cat is black or w1、Weve had one or two problems ─ nothing serious. 2、I generally get what I want one way or another. 3、Well? Are you going to tell us or not? 4、

26、all inornothing以及像素和其他的信息.肯定句:Either you can talk to him,or I will. 要么你和他谈,要么我来.When I was nine or ten someone explained to me that when you

用or造句答案You can eat apple,or you can eat pear. 结果三题目用or造句答案You can eat apple,or you can eat pear. 结果四题目or怎么造句?答案'Tea or coffeor的用法有一下几种;1. 引出另外的可能性or用于引出另一种可能性,表示“或者,还是”。You can have ham, cheese, or tuna. 你可以选择火腿、干酪或者金枪鱼。I saw Donald lea

or造句简单句子【一】1 . 人生一世,不过短短数十年,却悲苦多,欢乐少,无可奈何事竟十有八九!2 . 好多年不见了,若然不出我所料,她还是像以前那么美丽。3 . 看了药品说明,才知道它Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of tea to just three or four cups a day .The man was a fool, he thought, or at least incompetent .The


标签: sing造句七年级下册



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