
collect to do,收集与聚积的区别

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collect to do,收集与聚积的区别

▼collect的用法例句1. Methane gas does collect in the mines around here. 周围的矿井里的确有沼气聚积。2. He was grateful for a chance to relax and collect his th不对。一般来说,to do不定式作目的状语。如,I collect the used bottles to build a fence.我用废旧瓶子做了个栅栏。

1、collect to do sth

64.be used to doing sth.习惯做某事65.be used to do sth 被用于做某事66.used to do sth 过去常常做某事67.take risks 冒险http://68.ina situation 在样的情形下Share what you’ve saved (if you want to). All you have to do is send your team a link and they will be able to view or edit your boards. Get the apps Collect is available wherever i

2、collect to doing

3)“喜欢、愿意”(多用在疑问句或否定句中)[care for sb. to do sth.] 如:① Would you care for a cup of tea? 你喜欢喝一杯茶吗?② I don’t/shouldn’t ca网络拢紧网络释义1. 拢紧Aborn School 拢住to get up拢紧collect to靠拢close to g8chinesehw.blogspot|基于1 个网页释义:全部,拢紧

3、collect to do something

?ω? collect 基本解释及物动词收集;收藏;接走;聚积不及物动词募捐;募集形容词由受话人付费的collect 相关例句及物动词1. Today it is his turn to collect the childrebefore making your speech, you’d better ___ your thoughts and ideas. a. collect b. gather c. get d. prepare 答案:a.collect one’s thoughts表示“集中思想”,collect在此


标签: 收集与聚积的区别



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