

把预约记录打开英文翻译 2024-01-03 20:32 550 墨鱼


∪0∪ 外教伊丽莎白关注实用英语|英语预约时间的7种说法,值得收藏@小红书成长助手@视频薯#英语口语#英语#英语启蒙#口语#学英语#英语启蒙这样做#亲子英语打卡#少儿英语2022-06-13 这n.约会;预约;约定;任命;委任;职务;职位复数:appointments 扩展资料She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor. 她为儿子约定了看医生的时间。I

>△< 我打电话来是想预约下周二与您见面。②Would it be convenient if I call on you tomorrow afternoon? 我明天下午来拜访您,您看方便吗?③Can you make it on Monday? 周一见面可1预约的英文:reservation reserve 2预约的英文参考例句:Appointment booking services are free of charge. 预约服务是免费的。Do I have to make a reservation? 我必须预约吗?

英[ə'pɔɪntmənt] n.约会;任命;职位;设备网络约定;预约;指定复数:appointments 搭配同义词v.+n. make appointment,keep appointment,cancel appointment,arrange appo你必须再次确认你的班机预约. 13. he will only see visitors by appointment. 他只根据预约会客. 14. they were all specially ordered. 它们都是专门预约的. 15. i hope yo

ˋ△ˊ B: Let me check his schedule. Yes, Ok. How about 3 pm that day? 让我查一下他的日程表。好,没问题。那天下午3点如何?A: That would be fine. 可以。以上为韦博英语小编为你整英语考试有:英语四六级考试、BEC商务英语考试、英语专四和专八考试、CATTI 翻译专业资格考试、上海外语口译证书考试等等。大学英语四、六级考试作为一项全国性的教学考试由“国家教

2、上午:noon; 3、下午:afternoon; 4、晚上:evening。【扩展资料】例句:(1)I often stayed up until two or three in the morning. 我经常熬夜到凌晨两三点电话预约系统〔入境事务处〕May I make an appointment for sometime early this afternoon? 我能安排个今天下午早些时候的预约吗?The chairman of the direc


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