

make up和made up的区别 2022-12-26 02:51 729 墨鱼
make up和made up的区别


wild makeup 英美粗犷风格的化妆,野性化妆wild makeup的用法和样例:词汇搭配make up弥补分享单词到:一般,我们会用makeup-free、wear no makeup、without makeup来表示“素颜”。其中,makeup的意思就是“化妆”、“打扮”。I have been makeup-free for 1 month since I worked fr

∩0∩ 手柄是什么意思词语翻译gamepad, [铁路], [车辆], [机] 词语解释手柄是一种机械配件,方便工人操作机械。机械附件行业手柄有主要有两类材质分别是塑料、钢件。钢件有机床加Make up your own mind. 做自己的主人,自己做决定吧。9.Everyone gets a chance to make up tests. 每个人都有一次补考的机会。10.Women make up 56% of the student numbers. 女生占学生人数的

For the beautiful girl to use makeup would be to gild the lily. 漂亮的姑娘加上化装,是锦上添花。详细解释:makeup 或make-upn.(名词)The way in which something is co14.Artificial bone and egg shells make good building materials due to their makeup of proteins and minerals. 人造骨和蛋壳是很好的建筑材料,因为它们由蛋白质和矿物质

makeup 英[meɪkʌp] 美[ˈmeɪˌkʌp] n. 化妆品;组成;补充;补考短语:makeup water 补充水makeup remover 卸妆水例句:1.She retouched her makeup. 她makeup makeup是什么意思,makeup怎么读语音:英音['meɪkʌp] 美音[ˈmekˌʌp] makeup 基本解释n.化妆;补充;构造;体格中文词源makeup 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,


标签: makeup有补偿的意思吗



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