
lecture造句简单带翻译,lecture sb about sth造句

lecture on sth造句 2023-09-24 21:13 523 墨鱼
lecture on sth造句

lecture造句简单带翻译,lecture sb about sth造句

简单来说就是前两遍就是混个眼熟,大概记住读写和一个核心意思,中间两遍记住每个词儿不同的意思,同时看、读和记相关的句子,最后两遍有意识地把词儿放到场景中去记忆、尝试造句,同时I found her lecture very obscure.───我觉得她的讲座非常费解。She gave them a chastening lecture.───她给他们做了一次令他们对自己的行为感到内疚的演讲。Can I

造句带翻译释义:演讲,训斥,讲课,讲座,报告,讲演1.The wholeideaofmyinvestingajointenterprisewithyourcompanyisthe directresultof your wonderfullecture.其结果是触发了5 阶梯教室Terrace Classroom 或Lecture Theatre 6 多功能教室Multifunction Classroom 7 多媒体教室Multimedia Classroom 8 自习室〔图书馆内〕Study Ro

Chuck wouldlectureme, telling me to get a haircut 查克就会数落我,让我去理一下发。柯林斯高阶英语词典I wrote that ( long ) afterwards. 后来( 或很久以后) 我才lecture for (v.+prep.) lecture的用法例句:1. Chuck would lecture me, telling me to get a haircut. 查克就会数落我,让我去理一下发。2. Within this lecture I cannot

“因…而受到训斥”可说lecture sb for n./v -ing。lecture的常用短语:用作动词(v.) lecture about〔on〕v.+prep.) lecture at (v.+prep.) lecture for (v.+prep.) lecture的庄慎应邀在东南大学做讲座“我们工作中的非识别体系倾向”。lecture翻译n. 演讲,谴责,讲稿vt. 演讲,训诫,说教vi. 讲演相关词组:read sb a lecture 详情展开全文0 纠

(-__-)b 主页>造句>英语造句> lecture造句,lecture例句1、I am going tolectureto my students today、今天我准备给学生们讲课。2、The students havelectures every day、学生们64.a supplementary payment,lecture, item 额外的付款、讲座、项目. -- 来源-- 汉英- 翻译参考好评(10)差评() 65.Thelectureis convincing . 这演讲很有说服力。- 来


标签: lecture sb about sth造句



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