
spend time on sb,spend…on

spend time的用法详解 2023-08-27 21:35 591 墨鱼
spend time的用法详解

spend time on sb,spend…on

spend time with+名词表示“与某人共度时光”即“与某人一起度过时间”2. 在…花费时间初三英语知识汇编和练习题56.care about 关心,担心58.spend time onsth.在…花费时间59.be pleased with sb 对某人满…5ykj|基于15个网页3.

没有spend time on sb.spend用法:spend some time (in) doing Sth, 花费一段时间做某事spend some money on Sth. 花费一些钱做某事用法:spend time (on)表示“花费时间做某事”,后接动名词,介词on可以省略。例句1:No one is willing to spend time doing some boring things. 谁也不愿意花费时间做一些无耻的事

time in each place and got to know people in thosetowns.•Wesawless and less of each other andfoughtliketigerswhen we did spend time together.•You don't not spend time on some one jspend time on造句sb spend time/money on sth/doing sth 某人花费时间或金钱去做什麼事情eg:i spend 1hour doing my homework. i spend time on listening to music i spe

1、spend time(in)doing sth.(某人花费时间做某事),这里的in可以省略,例如:I spent three hours (in)doing honework. 此处的spent是spend的过去式。2、spend time on sth花费时间或金钱做某事用Sb.spendmoney/timedoingsth.Itcostsb.money/timetodosth.两者都可以,希望您能满意如果不计较时态和数的变化,为:1.takeittakesbsometimetodosth2.spendsbspe

2.spend time in doing sth意为:某人花费时间去做某事;动词要用动词-ing形式,这里的in 可以省略。这里强调动词宾语。中间的time也可以是money,spend money on sth意为:在某事sb spend time/money on sth/doing sth 某人花费时间或金钱去做什麼事情EG:I spend 1hour doing my homework. I spend time on listening to music I spend time on my home


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