

well造句简单些 2023-12-23 19:02 401 墨鱼


right造句复制1、You may well beright.(你很可能是对的。hao86好工具) 2、Don't scoff—she's absolutelyright.(别嘲笑她—她绝对正确。3、The chemistry just wa1、Shouts of "Right!right!"] 2、Right, I said,right! 3、Turnrightgetright,rightisright, speak byright. 4、anticipationright 5、imprescriptibleright

I stood at her right.我站在她的右边。用作动词(v.) :纠正I had to right the picture before I could feel comfortable.我得把这幅画扶正才能感到舒服。Give 1.preferring to use right foot or hand or eye.喜欢用右脚、右手和右眼。2.Turn right and right again.右转弯,再右转弯。3.right coset space右傍系空间,右商空间4.Rig

单词right 例句大全,用单词right造句:It's allright. You're allright. It was just a dream. 没事,你没事的,不过是个梦。The side of arighttriangle opposite therightanright 还可指“向右,往右”,指呈现出向右边的运动趋势。right 还可指“正确地,恰当地,令人满意地”或“立即,马上”等。right 的用法3:right 通常可以和动� on the right

1.在一个描述方位的语境中时,right表示"右边"。例如: The post office is on your right. (邮局在你右边。- Take the street on the right. (向右边的街道走。2.又因为Right Now 瞬间; 现在; 马上; 立刻keep right 靠右; 不准左转; 靠左; 右侧行驶right whale [脊椎] 露脊鲸; 脊美鲸Right wing 右翼; 右边锋; 右前

用“right”的4个意思造句有哪些?——Give me one more chance torightmy mistakes, please.请再给我一次机会纠正错误吧。短语:RightNow 瞬间; 现在; 马上4. When the right woman comes along, this bad dream will be over. 当有合适的女人出现时,这种胡思乱想就会停止了。5. He has a visual impairment in the right eye. 他右眼


标签: 小学make造句



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