
用enjoy doing sth造句,pay attention to造句

用learn about造句 2023-12-19 16:01 661 墨鱼
用learn about造句

用enjoy doing sth造句,pay attention to造句

1.enjoy sth. 喜欢某物My best friends enjoy the diliciousdinner.I enjoy this English song.2.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事My sister enjoys reading in the quiet park.I I enjoy reading English book. 喜欢看英语书

●﹏● I enjoin playing basketball ; I enjoin eating meat以下是一些使用"enjoy doing" 造句的例子:1. I enjoy reading books that are filled with interesting plots and characters. (我喜欢阅读那些充满有趣情节和人物性格的书

1.She asked,‘‘Are you leaving today or tomorrow ”2.The father said to the son,”Light travetsm much faster than sound.”3.He asked me ,”What ar喜欢,喜爱(enjoy doing sth.或者enjoy sth.)I enjoy playing football and basketball.我喜欢踢足球和打篮球。She enjoys reading books in her spare time.在空

enjoy life 享受生活;享受人生enjoy yourself 过得愉快;请自便enjoy your life 享受生活enjoy doing 乐于做…喜欢做…1.She thought that husband and wienjoy doing sth造句enjoy doing sth造句1.I enjoy doing sports such as running and playing badminton, because it not only keeps me fit, but also brings me a lot of

╯^╰〉 解析I enjoy playing basketball 结果一题目用enjoy doing sth造句答案I enjoy playing basketball 结果二题目用enjoy doing sth造句答案I enjoy playing basketb用decidetodosth./findsb.doingsth./makesb.dosth./enjoydoingsth./havefundoingsth.造句不用太长5-6行就可以了是写作文发错了!enjoydoingsth? enjoydoingst


标签: pay attention to造句



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