

Bundaberg什么意思 2022-12-26 07:23 331 墨鱼


cobras 英美n. [脊椎]记忆法添加记忆法真题例句1.As the different families of venomous snakes evolved, the teeth moved forward, becoming larger, and the venom becobras 是什么意思及中文翻译:名词(n.)眼镜蛇( cobra的名词复数) And kingcobrasfeed only on snakes. 眼镜王蛇只吃蛇I hate to disappoint theCobrasbut you're mine now

陈述式现在时(Indicativo Presente)陈述式现在完成时(Indicativo Pretérito Perfecto Compuesto) yo cobro he cobrado tú cobras has cobrado él,ella,usted cobra ha ccobras 常考释义n.眼镜蛇属蛇(有剧毒,如眼镜蛇,分布于热带非洲和亚洲) 变形词复数cobras 单词详解英汉双解n. 眼镜蛇属蛇(有剧毒,如眼镜蛇,分布于热带非洲

cobras n.蝙蝠蛇科;眼镜蛇(cobra的复数) His reason? Thecobrasat nearby snake farms were behaving strangely. 他的理由是什么呢?附近养蛇场的眼镜蛇举止异常。VERLA, Indcobras/'kəubrə/ 添加到生词本英汉-汉英词典n. 蝠; 镜(cobra的复数) 用户正在搜索capsicum,capsid,capsitis,capsizal,capsize,capsized,capsizing,capsochrome,capsom

⊙▽⊙ cobras 基本解释n.眼镜蛇( cobra的名词复数) 中文词源cobras 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Indian snake charmers use cobras in their performancobra是什么意思,cobra怎么读语音:英音['kəʊbrə] 美音[ˈkobrə] cobra 基本解释n.眼镜蛇cobra 变化形式复数:cobras 易混淆的单词:CoBRACOBRACobra 所属分类:TEM8

n.眼镜蛇a poisonous snake that can spread the skin at the back of its neck to make itself look bigger.Cobras live in Asia and Africa.基本解释:n.眼镜蛇(亚洲南部及非洲所产的一种毒蛇,长约四英尺,怒时头颈能胀大如帽状) cobra 是什么意思及中文翻译:名词(n.)眼镜蛇cobra 大小写变形:COBRACobraCoBRA cobra


标签: poller是什么意思



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