例句1:Her grandfather on her mother's side was Italian. 译文:她外祖父是意大利人。 例句2:Let me help you, Grandfather 译文:让我来帮你,爷爷。 例句3:He was a true pa...
12-18 523
hate造句 |
≡(▔﹏▔)≡ 9、My great-grandmotherwas old and witchy looking.(我曾祖母年纪大了,看上去像个巫婆。10、Mygrandmothertaught me.(我祖母教我的。好工具hao86) 11、He often ruMy grandmother is very good!
Filialgrandmotherto my father,grandmotherand we went to pick up steak. 爸爸为了孝顺奶奶,特地去接奶奶和我们去吃牛排。Anyway, this is mygrandmother's ring, and PreI walked tograndmothershouse. Grandmother was very excite to see me. I gave her a surprise. 外祖母看到我的时候很开心,因为我给了她一个惊喜。Thanksgiving dinner a
Grandmother asked me to dish out the salad. 祖母叫我把色拉从大盘里舀给各人。The woman on the photo is my paternal grandmother. 照片上的这个妇人是我祖母。Her gragrandmother造句31、Google blamed Vera Stanyan, a 90-year-old grandmother from Idaho for this error. 32、My grandmother is 98 years old, living in C
1、Happy Mother's Day,grandma. 2、Mygrandmais cleaning. 3、Mygrandmakept many chickens. 4、Don't worry about yourgrandma. 5、I've gotta visit mygran1、Eightyisanevennumber. 2、Mygrandmotherrecentlyturnedeightyyearsold. 3、ThetemperatureoutsideiscurrentlyeightydegreesFahrenheit. 4、Eightyisamultipleoften. 5、Thecarc
后台-插件-广告管理-内容页尾部广告(手机) |
标签: picture造句
例句1:Her grandfather on her mother's side was Italian. 译文:她外祖父是意大利人。 例句2:Let me help you, Grandfather 译文:让我来帮你,爷爷。 例句3:He was a true pa...
12-18 523
注意事项 在使用手机翻墙时,需要注意以下几点: 选择可靠的翻墙工具,不要轻信免费VPN等应用。 不要使用翻墙工具进行违法活动,以免触犯法律。 不要在翻墙状态下进行敏感操作,如网上银...
12-18 523
三年级上册数学第六单元教案1 教学目标: 1、进一步掌握两、三位数除以一位数的笔算方法,能正确列竖式计算两、三位数除以一位数的除法,并能进行验算。 2、结合具体的计算过程,培养估...
12-18 523
点击 选项 打开 Adblock Plus 的设置,并点击 过滤规则首选项 : 这时会显示 Adblock Plus 的过滤规则首选项菜单: 点击 添加过滤规则订阅组 ,您可以在弹出面板的下拉菜单中添加新的或更多的过滤规则...
12-18 523